суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ethnic coloring sheets

I�freakin wish my family would of never came home yet. Iapos;m so used to having this house to myself that I�HATE it when the rest of my family is here, I rarely ever go do anything with them. But now their home, And everyone is a douche bag to me. Iapos;m trying to keep my cool so I�can stay on the computer though.
Anyways, A few hours ago I�went to northwest plaza with my grandma. She came over to take me to get more minutes on my phone but we ended up not. I�really dont even need a phone, I�dont really have any use for it. Iapos;d much rather have an mp3 player or somthing. Anyways, My grandma is such a crazy little old woman. When we first got there she seen one of her friends, Heapos;s a mail man, They probably go to church together because we stood outside for like 15 minutes while they were talking about some christian movie. Then when we got inside we seen this dad and his 2 kids. My grandma of course had to stop because she seen the little baby. She stopped and played with the baby and blah blah blah. Then we were just walking around, And behind us there was a group of black guys, Well when we walked out of tmobile my grandma heard them say "Look at that red hair" and then another one said "I�would tear that up". My grandma got sooooooooo fucking pissed. She turned around and gave them the apos;death stareapos;. The guys immediatly shut up and walked away. Then we went to sears and she bought me a whole outfit. I�<3 my grandma. However, I�do not like it when she rants on about things that I�dont really care about. Like when she shoves religion down my throat. IM FREAKIN CHRISTIAN ALREADY IS THAT NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR U?? Apparently not, She tells me that satan is taking over my body and that the only reason I�quit going to church is because the devil has "caught" me. And that I�have to stop letting the devil take over me. DOOD I HAVE NO "DEVIL" INSIDE ME I�just prefer not to go to church I have gone to church with her before and HATE HATE HATE it. Everyone there thinks their better than me and everyone stares at me. Fuck that dude.. I�hate going to church.. And that dosnt mean that I�fucking hate god. So she needs to chill. She also wants me to get baptised. Oh god. First of all... If I�did get baptised than the water would turn red because of my hair dye.. Then everyone would get mad at me because I�ruined their pool of holy water. Second I JUST DONT WANT TO leave me alone. Jesus christ.
Iapos;ll most likely take some pictures wiith my webcam later, And if leah comes over then weapos;ll probably take some videos. Goodbye now.
ethnic coloring sheets, ethnic concept, ethnic concepts, ethnic concepts providence.

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